• Evaluation of the Impact of Sleeve Gastrectomy on Type 2 DM in Morbidly Obese Patients
    Ahmed Mohammed Kamal; Haitham Mostafa Elmaleh; and Mahmoud Saad Farahat
  • Vertical Plication Versus Combined Vertical & Transverse Plication in the repair of abdominal musculo-aponeuroticlaxity
    Mustafa AboEl-Soud, Ashraf El-Sebaie, Ayman Noaman
  • Comparative Study Between Territorial and Non-Territorial Infrapopliteal Angioplasty
    Mohamed Sabry, (M.Sc.); Ahmed Samir Hosny, M.D.MRCS (ED); Ahmed El Mahrouky. M.D. MRCS (Eng); Ahmed Gamal. M.D. MRCS (Eng)
  • Surgical Management of Primary Carcinoma of Eye Lids and Periorbital Skin
    Aly H. Mebed, 2Ahmed A. Kotb
  • Management of Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusion by Subintimal Arterial Flossing with Antegrade Retrograde Intervention (Safari) Technique Through Transpopliteal Approach
    Hany Abdel Mawla Mohamed M.Sc, Maher Abd ElMoneim M.D, Mohamed EL-Maadawy M.D.
  • Role Of Subintimal Angioplasty In Recanalization Of TASC B&C Lesions Of The Superficial Femoral Artery
    Amr Elbahaey, Amr Abdulbaky, Hasan Soliman, Ashraf Hidayet
  • Predicting safety duringabdominal musculo-aponeuroticlaxity repair by intra-operative monitoring of the Peak Inspiratory Pressure
    Mustafa AboEl-Soud, Ashraf El-Sebaie, Ayman Noaman, Tamer Mousaad
  • Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Morbidly Obese Patients
    Wael L Tobar, Ahmed Abdel Moaty El Nagaar
  • Laparoscopic Repair of Inguinal Hernias Using an Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh (IPOM) Technique–Early Single Centre Experience
    Hany A. Balamoun MD FRCS, Mohamed Y. Aly MD MRCS, Ahmed Abd Al Aziz MD MRCS, Mahmoud Ameen MSc
  • Infraorbital Rim and Orbital Floor Fractures; A Comparative Study between the Subciliary and the Preseptaltransconjunctival Approach
    Mohamed Hazem MD, Ashraf Abolfotooh Khalil MD, Sameh Elnomany MD, Amr Ibrahim Fouad MD
  • Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: Is A Challenging Disease
    Ayman M. A. Ali MD. & Ahmed Gaber Mahmoud MD.
  • Urinary Schistosomasis – Associated Bladder Cancer in Yemen Single Center Pathologic Review
    1Al-Salami A., Al- Saleh, Saleh Al-S., Al-Arami A.
  • Presentation and Pathology of Urinary Bladder Cancer in Yemeni Patients
    1Al-Salami A., 2Mohammed A., 2Abdulelah G., 2†Bakhder I. M.
  • This prospective study was performed to describe the presentation and the staging of bladder cancer at the time of referral which is an important factor in the prediction and prognosis of the disease. The cases were seen in urology center (Al-Thawra hos
    MoatasemBellah Abdel HameedErfan, Mahmoud FouadReda , Ahmad Gamal El Din Fouad , Mohammed Ali Hassan , Mohamed Hossny El Dessoki
  • Bilateral Pudendal Nerves Block for Postoperative Analgesia
    Tarek Hegazy MD , Nader Zaki MD
  • This prospective study was performed to describe the presentation and the staging of bladder cancer at the time of referral which is an important factor in the prediction and prognosis of the disease. The cases were seen in urology center (Al-Thawra hos

    MoatasemBellah Abdel HameedErfan, Mahmoud FouadReda , Ahmad Gamal El Din Fouad , Mohammed Ali Hassan , Mohamed Hossny El Dessoki
    Department of Vascular Surgery, Cairo University Department of General Surgery, Misr University for Science & Technology (MUST)

    Background: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) is the most common type of true aneurysm with high incidence of rupture. The introduction of endovascular grafting was a milestone in the treatment of patients with AAA as it provides a treatment option for those patients with large aneurysms with unfavorable conditions as the presence of significant medical comorbidities. By this innovation, an early benefit in quality of life can be achieved, as it relates to reducing hospital stay and recovery period in comparison to open surgery. Aim of the work:To highlight the advantages and disadvantages of EVAR in patients with infra-renal AAA and to select patients suitable for EVAR according to the patient selection criteria and to assess the possible complications of endovascular procedures and how to avoid it. Patients & Methods:A retrospective study was conducted at KasrAlainy Hospital from September 2012 to August 2014, involving 20 patients with favorable anatomy for endovascular repair of infra-renal abdominal aortic aneurysm. The findings of initial and short-term follow-up results were analyzed. Results: All patients were followed at one and six months post implantation with few aneurysm related complications. Two patients had type Iaendoleak (10%) & was managed by proximal ballooning and aortic cuff extension. One patient had Type Ibendoleak (5%) & was treated by iliac extension. Graft limb occlusion occurred in one patient (5%) during follow up and needed a femrofemoral bypass. Superficial wound infection occurred in one patient (5%) and responded to conservative treatment in the form of repeated dressing and systemic antibiotics. Two patients developed groin hematoma (10%) and also responded to conservative treatment. Absent pulse was detected at the end of the procedure in a single patient (5%), embolectomy was done & distal pulse was restored. Conclusion: Despite the small number of patients, the results seem to justify the performance of endovascular therapy in patients with favorable anatomy. Keywords: Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) , Endovascular techniques, EVAR.