• Yield of Adipose-derived Stromal Cells as the Influence of Body Mass Index in Middle Age Group of Egyptian Patients
    Ahmed A. Noreldin*; MD, Rama A. Ali*; MD, Ahmed M. Kenawy*; MD, LobnaY.Ghanem**; MD, Abeya A. Lotfy** ;MD, Ahmed S. Ismail***; Msc.
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  • Yield of Adipose-derived Stromal Cells as the Influence of Body Mass Index in Middle Age Group of Egyptian Patients

    Ahmed A. Noreldin*; MD, Rama A. Ali*; MD, Ahmed M. Kenawy*; MD, LobnaY.Ghanem**; MD, Abeya A. Lotfy** ;MD, Ahmed S. Ismail***; Msc.
    Department of Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine. Cairo University* Department of Clinical Pathology. Theodor Bilharz research Institute** Banha Teaching Hospital

    Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) considered to be a subtype of the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). They have the same regenerative capabilities like other MSCs. However, the abundance of ADSCs and the minimal morbidity and accessibility of their harvest and preparation have led to a booming the research work on it. The plastic surgeons are inimitably positioned to utilize this technology as they are frequently perform liposuction and fat transfer procedures in their everyday practice. The primary purpose of this research is to determine the influence of BMI index over the population and viability of adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) in Egyptian patients of the same sex, age group and from same fat harvesting site. In this study we operated upon 63 patients. From each patient fat tissue was harvested by manual liposuction from abdomen, and then the adipose derived stromal cells were enzymatically isolated. Assessment of its population and viability was done the trypan blue exclusion test. Results were statistically analyzed according to their body mass index. The average cell yield was 0.380 x 106 ml. Viability of adipose derived stromal cells from different body mass index range was (96-100%). The results from our study advocate that there is statistically highly significant negative correlation among patients' body mass index and adipose derived stromal cells population with no such correlation regarding viability. Key words: Adipose-derived stem cells, Body mass index, population and viability of ADSC, middle age population.