Ahmed A. Noreldin*; MD, Rama A. Ali*; MD, Ahmed M. Kenawy*; MD, LobnaY.Ghanem**; MD, Abeya A. Lotfy** ;MD, Ahmed S. Ismail***; Msc.
Tamer A Wafa, PhD, MRCS, Abdelrahman Elshafey, PhD, Mostafa El-Ayoty, PhD, Mohamed Elzohiri, PhD
Tamer A Wafa, PhD, MRCS, Abdelrahman Elshafey, PhD, Sherif Abdelmaksoud, PhD, Hesham Sheir, PhD, MRCS, Mohamed El-Ghazaly, PhD
Shaban .M. Abdelmageed and Shawki Sharouda
1Adel A. Sied, 2Mohammed A. Rizk, 2Sherif M. Abdel Aziz
Reda Saad Mohamed Ezz, Mohamed Abd El Monem Rizk, Medhat Mohamed Helmy Khalil, Ahmed Heshmat Soliman Ahmed
Tamer M. Nabil1 M.D, Ahmed H. Khalil2 M.D, MRCS, Mohamed M. Elbarbary3 M.D
Mohamed Abd El-Monem Abd El-Salam Rizk, MD, Mohamed Ismail Mohamed Ismail, MD, Ramez Mounir Wahba , MD
Mohamed Abd El-Monem Abd El-Salam Rizk1, MD, Mohamed Ismail mohamed Ismail1, Ramez Mounir Wahba1,Waleed Anwar Abd El-Mohsen2
Ahmed Sobhy Abbass Ahmed Elsobky
1Yasser M. Salama M.Sc. MRCS, 2Mostafa S. Mahmoud MD
Tarek Ahmed Abd El- Azim, Mostafa Soliman Mahmoud, Mohamed Ismail Mohamed,Ahmad Refaat ELGendi*
Ahmed Serag Emara, Gad Mohamed Behairy, Amr H Afifi
Comparison between Four different Techniques of Laparoscopic Abdominal Port Entry
Background: Creation of the pneumoperitoneum is the first and most critical step of a laparoscopic
procedure because that access is associated with injuries to the gastrointestinal tract and major blood
vessels and at least 50% of these major complications occurs prior to commencement of the intended
surgery. This complication rate has remained the same during the past 25 years. Objective: To focus on the
safety of the most used methods of entry into the peritoneal cavity in laparoscopic surgery with particular
attention to patients submitted to previous surgery without comorbidities. Patients and Methods: Types of
studies: prospective study. This study was conducted at Ain Shams university Hospital and El-Minia
University Hospital in the duration from January 2018 till July 2018. The studied cases were divided in
four groups of ten patients each comparing between different techniques of laparoscopic port entry in the
abdominal wall: Group (A): open technique Group (B): visiport technique. Group (C): veress needle
technique Group (D): closed entry technique. Results: We compared between different techniques of
laparoscopic entry (Open-entry technique, Veress Needle entry, Direct-vision entry, closed entry
technique). Our study reported no events of failed entry in different groups of laparoscopic port entry
techniques. Conclusion: Overall, there is insufficient evidence to recommend one laparoscopic entry
technique over another. More studies are required with larger sample size to determine the safer technique
of laparoscopic port entry in the abdominal wall.