• Evaluation of the Assessment Tools to Predict Axillary Status Postneoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
    Hisham Khalifa MD1, Ahmed Touny MD1 , Ihab Saad1 , Ahmed Abd elmaabood2 , Iman Hussein3 , Sherif Maamoon1
  • A comparative Study of 3 cm and 6 cm Pre-pyloric Starting Point for Sleeve Gastrectomy as Regard Post-operative Weight Loss and Vomiting
    Mohamed Abd El-Moneim El-Masry(MD); Muhammad El Marzouky (MD); Yehia Fayez (Msc)
  • Ultrasonographic Assessment of Internal anal Sphincter Integritypost Open and Stapling Approaches for Haemorrhoids
    Ahmed M.S.M. Marzouk MD, Hany M.S. Mikhail MD, Abdrabou N Mashhour MD, Emad Fathi MSC
  • Short Term Results of Revisional Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery after Open Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG): Sleeve Versus Bypass
    Mohamed Abd El-Moneim El-Masry(MD); Hussein Oukasha(MD)
  • Percutaneous Retrieval of Migrated Central Venous Catheters
    Mohamed El-Maadawy, MD & Amr Abdelraheem, MD.
  • The Use of Tetracycline Sclerotherapy as an Option in Management of The Refractory Postmastectomy Seroma
    Mohamed I Abdelaziz, MD, Salah S. Soliman,MD, Hany F Habashy
  • A Comparative Prospective Randomized Study between Laparoendoscopic Single Site Heller Myotomy with Dor Fundoplication and Multiple Port Laparoscopic Myotomy with Toupet Fundoplication for Treatment of Achalasia
    Wael L. Tobar, A Ayad MD, A Morad* MD
  • Pneumatic Compression versus Pulsed Ultrasound for Venous Leg Ulcer Treatment
    Haidy N. Ashem MD. and Mohamed Yehia MD.
  • Surgery for the Malignant Residual Cervical Stump.
    Ahmed Touny MD, Amr Selim. MD
  • Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: Is a Challenging Disease
    Ayman M. A. Ali MD. & Ahmed Gaber Mahmoud MD
  • Perforator Flaps for the Reconstruction of Axillary Defects: Different Designs and Applications
    Ahmed Ali Ebrahiem Ali, M.Sc.
  • Minimally Invasive Non-Dissecting Technique Otoplasty for Prominent (Bat) Ears Deformity
    Amr Ibrahim Fouad (MD), Ashraf AbolFottoh (M), Sameh El Noamany Mohamed Hazem (MD)
  • Short-term Outcomes of Infrapopliteal Angioplasty for Critical Lower Limb Ischemia
    Ahmed Samir Hosny.M.D.MRCS (Ed); Mohamed El Maadawy. M.D
  • Role of Laparoscopy in Management of Intra-abdominal Tumors
    Waheed Yousry Gareer MD, Mohamed El-Sayed Safa MD, Amr Seliem MD
  • Perforator Flaps for the Reconstruction of Axillary Defects: Different Designs and Applications

    Ahmed Ali Ebrahiem Ali, M.Sc.
    Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Faculty of Medicine; Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

    Reconstruction of soft tissue defects of the axilla represents a challenge to the reconstructive surgeon owing to the wide range of motion that should be achieved and difficulty in the maintenance of the axillary contour. Perforator flaps represent a recent advance in the reconstructive ladder with reduced donor site morbidity leading to faster recovery and decreased postoperative pain. Perforator flaps combine the reliable blood supply of parent musculocutaneous flaps with reduced donor site morbidity (1). Perforator flaps have the additional advantages that they can be tailored to accurately reconstruct the defect, including the flap thinning for resurfacing shallow defects, there is freedom of orientation of the pedicle, and a longer pedicle is harvested than with the parent musculocutaneous flap (2). Perforator flaps that can be used for the coverage of axillary defects include those based on thoracodorsal and circumflex scapular arteries. Twenty patients with soft tissue defects of the axilla were reconstructed with those perforator flaps in this study and their outcome was evaluated. Key words: axilla, perforator, flap, thoracodorsal, circumflex scapular.