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  • Short term Weight Loss after Laparoscopic Gastric Plication for Treatment of Morbid Obesity
    Usama Shaker Mohamed, Mohamed Diaa Sarhan, Amr Mohsen, Ahmed Farag, Mohamed Youssef, Fahim Elbassiony
  • Short term Weight Loss after Laparoscopic Gastric Plication for Treatment of Morbid Obesity

    Usama Shaker Mohamed, Mohamed Diaa Sarhan, Amr Mohsen, Ahmed Farag, Mohamed Youssef, Fahim Elbassiony
    Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

    Background: Laparoscopic gastric plication is a star rising in the field of bariatric surgery having the advantage of being the least invasive restrictive procedure with potentially less complications and less cost 1 . Fears are highlighted about the durability of the plicated stomach. The first report on humans was made by Talebpour and Amoli in 2007 2 . They operated on a 100 cases and showed weight loss that is comparable to other restrictive operations. This was followed by another report by Ramos et al in 2010 3 . They operated on 42 patients and concluded that laparoscopic gastric plication is feasible, safe, and effective for at least 18 months when performed on morbidly obese patients. The published material and number of cases are not enough to fully understand the operation outcomes. This study aimed at identifying the short term results of the gastric plication regarding weight loss and early postoperative complications to participate in the database and allowing better understanding of the procedure. Methods: Data on 20 morbidly obese patients who underwent gastric plication in the period between 2010 and 2012 were prospectively collected and analysed using SPSS 20. Results: In this case series study median operative time was 130(100) minutes. Median post-operative hospital stay was 3(20) days. Median Excess body weight loss (EBWL) was 24.8(28.6) after one month (EBWL 1), and was 47.7(49.8) after six months (EBWL 6). The only postoperative complication was prolonged vomiting (more than 7 days) in 2 cases. Conclusions: Excess body weight loss after gastric plication is acceptable on the short term in comparison with other restrictive procedures, although we put in mind that it takes longer time to perform which can be a drawback on the surgeon himself but, being a less invasive and potentially reversible procedure gives us the motivation to continue studies about longer term results. Keywords: Hospital, Gastric, Plication, Weight loss.